Making the Water Profiteers Pay

Last week’s news that Thames Water is paying out a £37.5m dividend to its shareholders in the midst of an ongoing sewage crisis has left many in disbelief. David Whyte argues for a different approach to making pollution pay.

Trade unions tackle the climate crisis

Where do workers fit into the climate action agenda? On October 27, trade unionists from across the labor movement gathered in London to discuss a new workplace-oriented strategy for decarbonization: green collective bargaining...

Beyond divestment

Our new report Beyond Divestment reveals a process of ‘shareholder substitution’ that has allowed some big players to significantly increase their shareholding, and raises big questionas about the next steps for the divestment movement.

Malón de la Paz against lithium mining

Valeria Vegh Weis on the 2,000 kilometer march of indigenous peoples in Argentina from the Juju region to Buenos Aires to demand that lithium mining projects in their territories are immediately halted.

The devastating cost of humanitarian intervention in Haiti

As demands grow for yet another humanitarian intervention to “fix” Haiti’s problems, we need to recognise that previous interventions have kept Haiti in the throes of political, social, and ecological crisis for over a century. By Angela Sherwood

Carbon cash machine

As the world burns, shareholders are getting record cash pay outs from their fossil fuel investments finds our new report written and researched in collaboration with Corporate Watch. By David Whyte