

Indictment: Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on
State & Environmental Violence in West Papua

This indictment put before the Tribunal sets out the 4 charges against the State of Indonesia. The Indictment is signed by:

Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation; International Association of Democratic Lawyers; INTERPRT; London Mining Network; Pacific Conference of Churches; Sinchi Foundation; and TAPOL.

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Working for Climate Justice


Trade union approaches to climate bargaining have frequently treated climate and environmental issues as separate from core industrial relations issues. This pamphlet demonstrates why trade unions need to put climate bargaining at the centre of everything they do and maps out the steps that must be taken to achieve this.

Written by Ben Crawford and David Whyte
Liverpool and London, November 2023
ISBN 978-1-906703-60-8
Downloaded the report here.

Beyond Divestment

This report explores patterns in divestment in Britain’s largest oil companies BP and Shell since the Paris Agreement was signed in December 2015 and uses an original analysis of data to show that divestment strategies are not having the necessary effect.

Written by David Whyte
London, October 2023
ISBN: 978-1-907738-29-6
Download the report here

Read coverage of this report in Net Zero Investor and CityAM. This report was named ‘Hidden Gem of the Week’ by The Syllabus.

The Carbon Cash Machine

This report explores the steep rise in cash earnings accumulated by shareholders in Britain’s largest oil companies BP and Shell since the Paris Agreement was signed in December 2015.

Written by Centre for Climate Crime and Climate Justice & Corporate Watch.
London, August 2023
ISBN: 978-1-907738-28-9
Download the report here

Read coverage of this report in the New Internationalist magazine and in Byline Times.