The Law and Politics of Ecocide
This project assesses current proposals to introduce ecocide as an indictable crime in the International Criminal Court in Rome and uses the findings to advise regional and national policy makers in Westminster and in the Scottish and Catalan Parliaments.
- A research report testing the robustness of the current proposals will be published in Autumn 2024.
- A special issue of the journal Environmental Politics titled ‘The Politics of Ecocide’ will be published in January 2025.
We helped draft Baroness Rosie Boycott’s Ecocide Bill, currently in Parliament.
We coordinated a joint response to Monica Lennon MSP’s proposal for an Ecocide law in Scotland from 5 organisations. Read report in the Herald here.

State Violence and Environmental Destruction in West Papua
This project seeks to address the silence of the international community on the ongoing conflict over capitalist development in West Papua. The conflict has inflicted a horrifying toll of violence against the people and has accelerated the destruction of the Papuan rainforest, the third largest in the world after the Amazon and the Congo. The project supports the struggle of the West Papuan people by publishing research and organising a series of high profile events that will explore how the Indonesian government and the international community can be held to account for a toll of violence that is being waged on behalf of corporate investors.
Read our paper Independence, Anti-Capitalism and the Struggle for Our Future: Seeking an End to State-Corporate Violence in West Papua here.
We initiated and hosted three days of Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal hearings on state and environmental violence in West Papua in June 2024.

Read the indictment drafted by CCCCJ researchers on behalf of 15 local and international NGOs, in English; and in Indonesian.
Read the judgement issued by the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal here.
For details of other conferences and meetings on West Papua, see our Events page.
Working For Climate Justice
This project proposes new forms of trade union power and industrial bargaining strategies that are necessary to achieve the greening of the economy.
The project began with a major one-day conference held in October 2023 and the publication of a report for the Institute of Employment Rights Working for Climate Justice.
The findings of the report were discussed at meetings hosted by the Scottish Trades Union Congress, Yorkshire and Humberside TUC and the Public and Commercial Services Union in 2024.
This project is funded by:

Carbon Profiteers
This project looks behind the corporate veil to follow the money that is made from fossil fuel production in Britain’s largest oil and gas companies, BP and Shell.
Two reports (‘Carbon Cash Machine‘, August 2023 and ‘Beyond Divestment‘, October 2023) documented how much earnings BP and Shell shareholders have accumulated since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015 and analysed investment patterns in those companies to better understand the challenges facing fossil fuel divestment campaigns.
This project is a collaboration with:

Haiti: Environmental Disasters, Violence and Just Recovery
Over the past two decades Haiti has experienced several climate-related and environmental disasters, after which state, private, and non-governmental actors have assumed a dominant role in disaster relief and recovery. This project examines the state-capital-humanitarian nexus in determining the shape of disaster recovery, as well as its detrimental impacts on Haitian communities, especially in terms of (re)displacement and land dispossession. Its findings will be published in the forthcoming book Humanitarian Crimes: Disasters, Dispossession and Resistance
Led by Angela Sherwood, Queen Mary University

British Climate Diplomacy 1972-2021
This project will, for the first time, uncover British government efforts to lobby and influence international climate treaties over the past half century. It will access previously un-published official documents in order to make uncover the secret history of Britain’s climate diplomacy.
The project is funded by the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences Public Engagement Fund.