Front Page


The Centre for Climate Crime and Climate Justice is a research centre based at Queen Mary University of London.

We work to expose climate offenders and we support social movements fighting for climate justice.

The Centre for Climate Crime and Climate Justice is a research centre based at Queen Mary University of London. We work to expose climate offenders and we support social movements fighting for climate justice.

Britain’s political prisoners

Tim Crosland and Paddy Friend of Defend Our Juries report on the campaign to free 40+ political prisoners in the Palestine solidarity and climate movements.

One year of war on Gaza

The war on Gaza, and now Lebanon is intentially targeting land, water and food sources that will have implications for years and decades to come. By Samira Homerang Saunders.

Heat strike!

Nuala Lam explains how climate activists and trade unionists are gearing up for a renewed campaign of workplace action.

The Centre for Climate Crime and Climate Justice is a research centre based at Queen Mary University of London. We work to expose climate offenders and we support social movements fighting for climate justice.